Newsletters and Articles

Newsletters and Articles


Legislation Update Regulations for Licensing of Managers


The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is seeking your input on proposed regulations for the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA).

The Protecting Condominium Owners Act, 2015 (PCOA), which received Royal Assent on December 3, 2015, not only makes substantial amendments to the Condominium Act, 1998 but it also enacts the CMSA to regulate and provide for the licensing of condominium managers and condominium management providers in Ontario.

The Ministry is aiming to have this proposed regulation come into effect on July 1, 2017. Information about the proposed regulation is now posted on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for public feedback and consultation until February 6th, 2017. The Ministry will be taking feedback it receives into consideration when bringing forward the final regulation for approval. We strongly encourage everyone to provide feedback on the proposed regulations.

Shibley Righton