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Newsletters and Articles


Legislation Update: Regulations for the Amended Condominium Act, 1998


The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has released a plain language summary of the proposed regulations for four areas of the amended Condominium Act, 1998, and transitional rules for the amendments to the Act that will be coming into force in 2017. The full text of the regulations should be released shortly.

The set of regulations currently under review focus on condo governance and address the following areas:

  1. Communications
  2. Director Qualifications and Disqualifications
  3. Meetings
  4. Records

The regulations concerning communications, director qualifications and meetings are planned to come into force on July 1, 2017, while the regulations concerning records are anticipated to come into force in fall 2017.

Information about the proposed regulation will be posted on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for public feedback and consultation, and comments will be accepted until March 30th, 2017. The Ministry will be taking feedback it receives into consideration when bringing forward the final regulation for approval. We strongly encourage everyone to review the summary of the regulations and provide feedback when the regulations are posted.

Shibley Righton