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Newsletters and Articles


Comment on Ontario Government Order Suspending Limitation Periods

As many of you have heard by now, on March 17, 2020, the Government of Ontario issued an order that suspends all limitation periods and steps in proceedings in Ontario (the “Order”).

Our view is that a condominium lien is a limitation period and therefore covered by the government’s Order. Unfortunately, the Order did not specifically mention condominium lien deadlines and there have been differing views within the condominium legal community as to whether the Order suspends the deadlines to give notice of, and register, condominium liens. You may have already read differing opinions on this point.

As there have been different opinions on this topic, we believe the most prudent course of action for the time being is to continue registering condominium liens.

We are hopeful that the government will issue clarification in the coming days.

We will provide further comment on this issue as developments arise.

Shibley RightonComment