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Newsletters and Articles


Most Mask Mandates End on March 21st

On March 21, 2022, the province, along with most municipalities (including Toronto), will lift the mandate requiring condominium corporations to ensure that people wear masks or face coverings in indoor common areas. However, some municipalities (including Hamilton) have not yet revoked their by-laws requiring masking. We understand that those municipalities that are not lifting their by-laws on March 21 will be reviewing the issue shortly thereafter.

Condominiums that wish to continue requiring masks after the mandates applicable to their municipality have been lifted have the option of doing so. A Board should evaluate the needs and preferences of its community in order to come to a decision that makes sense for its owners and residents.

A Board should notify residents promptly if the Corporation will be continuing with a mask requirement after March 21 (or whenever their local mask mandate is lifted). Appropriate signage should also be posted. As always, Boards should contact their condominium’s solicitors if they have any questions or require further guidance

Shibley RightonComment